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If you’ve used hearing aid benefits to buy hearing aids, you already know how instrumental it was in helping you afford your first set of hearing aids. However, what you may not realize is that your hearing aid benefit will actually become more valuable to you over time as it allows you to continually address your changing hearing needs.

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TruHearing Survey Reveals Untreated Hearing Loss Contributes to Mental Health Crisis
Hearing loss can negatively impact mental health, but according to a new survey[1] from TruHearing, the market leader in hearing healthcare benefits, the use of hearing aids can help reduce experiences and behaviors linked to poor mental health.
In its third-annual Hearing Loss in the Workplace Study, TruHearing asked employees with hearing loss about their experiences before and after wearing hearing aids.

TruHearing® Gets a New CEO
After nearly 10 years of dedicated service to TruHearing, Tommy Macdonald will transition from his role as CEO for TruHearing, effective January 9, 2023, and move into an

TruHearing® Survey Reveals US Employees Fail to Prioritize Hearing Health Due to Fear of Shame and Stigma
Despite the life-changing benefits that hearing aids can bring to those with hearing loss, many remain hesitant when it comes to pursuing them. That hesitancy can come from a variety of factors, most notably the unfair shame and stigma that often surround hearing aids, and the lack of hearing healthcare coverage provided to US employees to help cover the cost.

Employees note the disparity: Hearing benefits lag behind dental, vision
Health benefits are one of the most attractive offerings an employer can provide, but they often fail to provide enough coverage to meet employee needs and expectations. Dental and vision benefits are typically considered table stakes by employees, with newer health offerings growing in popularity, but for those with hearing loss, coverage can be much harder to find.

TruHearing® announces alliance with VFW
TruHearing, the market leader in hearing healthcare benefits, continues to expand access to hearing healthcare through its recent alliance with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), a nonprofit combat veterans’ service organization. This new relationship will help provide hearing healthcare to over a million veterans and military service members, a population consistently at higher risk and incidence of hearing loss.

TruHearing® moves to make hearing benefits as prevalent as vision and dental coverage
TruHearing has partnered with Fidelity Security Life Insurance Company® to introduce a hearing health insurance plan, giving benefits professionals the opportunity to offer hearing benefits as an ancillary offering, similar to vision or dental. With this strategic move, TruHearing is boosting access to hearing health benefits for employers, public sector groups and unions and elevating the importance of hearing health care. This plan provides health insurance coverage in the form of fixed indemnity benefits for hearing exams and hearing aids. Premium can be paid for by an employer or by the employee. It is available as a stand-alone benefit or can be packaged with other ancillary benefits.

TruHearing® survey reveals struggles of those with hearing loss during phone and video calls are underestimated.
As remote working continues to be a widespread norm, challenges communicating over the phone and during video calls has taken on new importance, yet many employees may be underestimating the difficulty that untreated hearing loss may be creating in these situations. According to a new research study by TruHearing, the market leader in hearing benefits, 77% of employees who are wearing hearing aids agree that they find telephone and video calls easier to follow and catch more of the discussion now that they wear hearing aids, yet only 45% initially identified this as a challenge they faced while working prior to wearing hearing aids.

3 smartphone compatible hearing aid apps to make life easier
Smartphones are everywhere nowadays. Everyone has one, and we carry them around with us every place we go. And many new models of hearing aids

Hearing aid accessories
Enhance and personalize your hearing aid experience with a variety of accessories. Hearing aid accessories are designed to provide utmost convenience, allowing you to more