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If you’ve used hearing aid benefits to buy hearing aids, you already know how instrumental it was in helping you afford your first set of hearing aids. However, what you may not realize is that your hearing aid benefit will actually become more valuable to you over time as it allows you to continually address your changing hearing needs.

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The Best Way to Put On and Remove Your Hearing Aids
For your hearing aids to be most effective, it’s important to wear them correctly. The videos below will show you how to tell which hearing

How to change hearing aid volume and programs
Hearing aid technology is always evolving, and today’s devices are smarter than ever before. Most modern hearing aid models will adjust volume or programs automatically

What Can TruHearing Offer You Today?
TruHearing has grown a lot over the last 10 years. As we’ve grown, we’ve gotten better at what we do, which means we can now

Do I Need Two Hearing Aids? Why Yes is Often the Answer
By Austin Singleton, AuD, CCC-A , FAAA As a practicing Doctor of audiology I am often asked the question “Do I really need two hearing

3 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships After Hearing Aids
One of our customers recently wrote to us to thank us for the hearing aids they were able to afford through our program: “Without being able to

Noise Induced Hearing Loss Is Bigger Than You Think
Lawnmowers, leafblowers, snowblowers, power trimmers are equally to blame as industrial machinery, construction work, or large concerts. Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) occurs when we

3 Ways to Slow Down Further Hearing Loss
When we recognize we have hearing loss, we become acutely aware of how important our hearing is to our everyday lives and happiness. Hearing aids

Why you should use your hearing aids consistently
“I only need to wear my hearing aids when I go out” is one of the worst things you can think or do for yourself

Tinnitus: A Constant Ringing In Your Ears
Information and resources concerning tinnitus (noise in ears) including: causes, diagnosis, treatment, and self-help. Tinnitus is commonly described as a constant ringing, roaring, clicking, hissing