Hearing Loss Is on the Rise and Gen Z Employees Are All Ears for Action
As Gen Z employees continue to populate the workforce, a new survey reveals that hearing loss and hearing healthcare are increasingly on the minds of younger employees.
As Gen Z employees continue to populate the workforce, a new survey reveals that hearing loss and hearing healthcare are increasingly on the minds of younger employees.
As remote working continues to be a widespread norm, challenges communicating over the phone and during video calls has taken on new importance, yet many employees may be underestimating the difficulty that untreated hearing loss may be creating in these situations. According to a new research study by TruHearing, the market leader in hearing benefits, 77% of employees who are wearing hearing aids agree that they find telephone and video calls easier to follow and catch more of the discussion now that they wear hearing aids, yet only 45% initially identified this as a challenge they faced while working prior to wearing hearing aids.
Learn more about what loud noises do to our hearing You are around damaging, loud noises more often than you think! One of the questions
Getting to know your hearing care provider Many people have the same question, “what is an audiologist and what can they do?” Audiologists are primary
Out of all the reasons for problems hearing, Presbycusis is the most common. Presbycusis is also known as age-related hearing loss. This is a common
Hearing loss testing, dealing with hearing loss, and descriptions of treatments and devices. Hearing loss is one of the most common conditions affecting older adults.
We many not recognize them at first, but early signs of hearing loss may begin to manifest themselves as simple personality quirks in our family
The latest report by the CDC states that there are 25.8 million Americans suffering from diabetes and another 79 million who are thought to have pre-diabetes. With all the
Hearing aids will greatly increase your ability to understand conversations, but learning to read visual cues and understanding basic speech reading, can help supplement your
Austin Singleton, Au.D. Almost everyone has felt a temporary ringing in the ears – and we all know it is annoying. Sadly, for roughly one
Why Offering a Hearing Health Benefit Is Essential in the Pandemic Rob Gibbs, SVP, Sales and Account Management, TruHearing When reports of COVID-19 first surfaced
Here’s what you need to know about noise induced hearing loss or NIHL: The Three Causes of NIHL that Everyone Should Know* Intensity of SoundThe
As signs of hearing loss build over time, frequent misses and mistakes can take a toll on workers and their employers in the form of reduced productivity. In its first annual “Hearing in the Workplace” survey, TruHearing, the market leader in hearing benefits, surveyed working individuals and explored the impact of untreated hearing loss on their productivity. The study found that almost all respondents reported significant challenges to doing their jobs prior to wearing hearing aids.
Have you ever wondered how your ear works – like how sound travels through your ear to your brain? This video does a great job
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