Hearing Loss Is on the Rise and Gen Z Employees Are All Ears for Action

As Gen Z employees continue to populate the workforce, a new survey reveals that hearing loss and hearing healthcare are increasingly on the minds of younger employees.
TruHearing Survey Reveals Hearing Benefits Can Sweeten the Pot for Recruitment and Retention

As recruitment and retention remain a top priority among U.S. employers, a new study reveals that hearing benefits can offer a powerful boost to companies looking to attract top quality candidates and keep them around longer.
Employee Interest in Hearing Benefits Skyrockets, But Only One in 10 Report Coverage

The fourth annual Hearing Loss in the Workplace survey[1], conducted by TruHearing, the market leader in hearing healthcare benefits, revealed that interest in hearing benefits has drastically increased among working adults.
TruHearing® Survey Reveals US Employees Fail to Prioritize Hearing Health Due to Fear of Shame and Stigma

Despite the life-changing benefits that hearing aids can bring to those with hearing loss, many remain hesitant when it comes to pursuing them. That hesitancy can come from a variety of factors, most notably the unfair shame and stigma that often surround hearing aids, and the lack of hearing healthcare coverage provided to US employees to help cover the cost.
Employees note the disparity: Hearing benefits lag behind dental, vision

Health benefits are one of the most attractive offerings an employer can provide, but they often fail to provide enough coverage to meet employee needs and expectations. Dental and vision benefits are typically considered table stakes by employees, with newer health offerings growing in popularity, but for those with hearing loss, coverage can be much harder to find.
TruHearing® announces alliance with VFW

TruHearing, the market leader in hearing healthcare benefits, continues to expand access to hearing healthcare through its recent alliance with the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), a nonprofit combat veterans’ service organization. This new relationship will help provide hearing healthcare to over a million veterans and military service members, a population consistently at higher risk and incidence of hearing loss.