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What is typically the best hearing aid for kids? My son will be 15 years old in March.



What is typically the best hearing aid for kids? My son will be 15 years old in March.


Treating hearing loss in children is more complicated than treating it for adults. A behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is recommended for most kids, because it best accommodates their rapid growth. Although children will need new ear molds about once a year to accommodate their growing ears, they can keep the same BTE aids for several years if they are cared for and well maintained.

Here are five tips for parents of children who wear hearing aids:

  1. Your child’s hearing may change as they grow, so it’s important to schedule regular checkups with your hearing healthcare provider. That way your provider can optimize the hearing aid programs as their hearing profile changes.
  2. Kids enjoy music (teenagers especially). Talk to your provider about specific hearing aid programs for safe listening that will reduce background noise and allow them to enjoy music without risking further damage to their hearing from too much volume.
  3. Teach your kids to keep both their hearing aids and their ears clean and dry. For example, going swimming and then putting in hearing aids while your ears are still wet can damage the hearing aid and allow bacteria to grow and cause ear infections.
  4. Regularly inspect your child’s hearing aids for damage or malfunction. Regularly scheduled maintenance appointments with your provider can help extend the life of the aids.
  5. Ask your child how the hearing aid is working. Regular conversations about their hearing and the effectiveness of their hearing aids can help you identify issues early on and prevent more serious problems.

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