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How much hearing loss is too much?

Take a free, highly-accurate hearing screening in just five minutes using any device with headphones to see if hearing aids could change your life.

Elena is wearing custom TruHearing® 6 hearing aids

Elena is wearing custom TruHearing® 6 hearing aids

How much hearing loss is too much?

Take a free, highly-accurate hearing screening in just five minutes using any device with headphones to see if hearing aids could change your life.

You aren't alone.

It's common

38+ million Americans currently struggle with hearing loss.*

It starts young

39% of employees ages 25–64 report some degree of hearing loss.*

Don't wait

On average, people wait 4 years before addressing their hearing loss.*

Hear better

95% of hearing loss can be addressed with the right hearing aids.

It's easy to get started.

Call to see if your plan covers a full hearing exam at a provider near you and to learn more about discounted pricing and provider information.

The better you hear, the better you live.

Connect deeply.

Get back your social life, meaningful conversations, and connections with the ones you love. Learn more.


Live happily.

Healthy hearing reduces feelings of loneliness and isolation. It can also lower the risk of depression. Learn more.

Think clearly.

Hearing aids have been shown to slow cognitive decline and improve working memory. Learn more.

Stay healthy.

Treating hearing loss can reduce serious risks like falls, heart attacks, and dementia. Learn more.

Free hearing check.

It only takes five minutes to screen your hearing online.

Hearing loss is caused by many things.


Everyday exposure

Long exposure to sounds as common as heavy traffic (85dB) can cause permenant damage. Learn more.


Work noise

About 18% of adults aged 20–69 with 5+ years of exposure to very loud noise at work have hearing loss that makes it hard to understand speech. Learn more.

Did you know?



of employees with hearing loss report missing parts of conversations at work, leading to productivity loss and less opportunity to advance. Learn more.

28.8 million

US adults could benefit from using hearing aids. Only 1 in 6 adults aged 20–69 who could benefit from hearing aids have used them. Learn more.

Additional resources

Keep tabs on your hearing loss with our fast, free screening.

Contact us

Call or chat to speak to one of our expertly trained Hearing Consultants.

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    *By submitting this form, I agree to the privacy policy and for my contact information to be used by TruHearing for marketing purposes.